Can a simple coloured light make a child who wakes up twenty times a night go to sleep, or improve a schoolboy's school results, to the amazement of his parents and teachers? Dr Pagnamenta tells with humour and passion how, after a long and intense professional career, he arrived at this medicine of "coloured light".
In this book he describes in a simple way what chromopuncture is and how to use it. A coloured light on the skin is the gentlest of pricks. Thanks to his many years of experience as a paediatrician, he explains in a simple way the most common symptoms of children, both big and small. We now have a weapon for newborn colic, emotional tummy ache, headache, lack of appetite, childhood insomnia, the most unusual allergies. We can all experience this technique, either with the appropriate professional instruments or by using a simple pen-shaped flashlight covered with a coloured plastic sheet. Neeresh Pagnamenta, a doctor who has been practising and teaching chromotherapy to parents for many years, describes the reasons why coloured light acts not only on our bodies but also on our psyches. The illnesses of our children, caused by energetic imbalances, will thus be cured by this gentle and profound therapy.
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